Square Holes explores people in target cities and markets to inspire strategic precision. Optimising growth and innovation, through tailored market research and cultural insight.

Square Holes’ research  explores the market and cultural nuances that influence behaviours and attitudes. We are innately curious. Allowing us to approach complex strategic problems as adventures.

Our community of real people share their lives, joys, pains and views.

Feedback to inspire.

Business growth

We partner with growth focused marketers, leaders and innovators to invest less than 5% of their marketing, customer, new market and product development budgets to multiply growth. Return on investment – less waste, product innovation, strategic precision and performance tracking.

Bob, Adelaide | Photo Credit: Thomas Blah (title)

Flourishing cities

Research to drive an evolving narrative, behaviour change and support leaders in education, environment, government, health, infrastructure, housing, arts, sport, culture, lifestyle and economy. Return on investment – Informed and effective policies, services, planning and communications.

Research methodologies and data archive since 2004.


Weekly update on consumer and cultural trends from Square Holes’ research. ‘Free’ every Fri 9:30am AEST